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Safe Driving Tips

Driving during a storm can be stressful and dangerous. Driving through a storm can be difficult and it is important that you as the driver take the necessary precautions to ensure you are not in an accident. For windshield repair or replacement in Brampton call (905) 564-5330 today or get a quote online.

If you get anxious and concerned while driving in a storm you may lose sight of the speed limit, visibility may be limited, and you may throw road rules out the window. Strong winds can move your vehicle and other vehicles off their given path. Forceful winds can also stir up trees, branches, and other types of debris.

Heavy rain also contributes to a hazardous drive. Rain makes the roads wet and slippery. This can decrease your ability to observe what is going on. Hail is another very dangerous element. Once hail begins to fall you are no longer concerned with the weather, rather, you are concerned about the condition your vehicle is in.

Here are tips for driving during a storm:

  • Turn your headlights on to ensure you can see and also so other motorists can see you coming
  • If the storm is becoming too much to drive in, consider pulling over
  • Slow down, no event, meeting, or party is worth risking your life
  • Leave space to operate and move
  • Listen to the radio for road reports and weather updates
  • Be aware that other motorists will be distracted by the storm and may be driving irresponsibly

If you do need to pull over, turn your four-way lights on to ensure cars approaching can see that you are on the side of the road. If possible find somewhere safe to pull over like a gas station, restaurant, or plaza before pulling off onto the side of the road. Do not exit your vehicle while on the side of the road as other cars may not be able to see you due to poor visibility.

Get a free quote today! Call (905) 564-5330 for auto glass services in Brampton

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